About Me

DSC_1165 My name is Kathy and even though I am what the world would describe as “middle aged,” I really feel that in many ways, I am just beginning!  My Godmother was one of the people who loved me unconditionally and when asked to describe me, she would say, “she is small but she is mighty!”

I have lived through a lot of losses but I truly believe that they have made me stronger.  Or maybe it is the work I have done to get through them that has made me stronger!  Reading books, attending classes, writing, talking about my experiences and of course, finding the best therapist at any given time.  Prayer and spiritual direction has also paved the path to healing.

My personal roles consist of wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.  Professionally, I am a Registered Nurse and Parish Nurse.  I have worked for the last eighteen years developing bereavement care ministries within churches and a hospice bereavement program within a senior living community.  I presently facilitate grief support groups and speak to senior centers, church and community groups about loss and grief related issues.

The most important thing I have learned is that as a caregiver, I need to practice self-care and model healthy living.  Sharing my heart and my help, I am always giving out energy away from myself.  So, how do I take care of myself?  How do I refill the well so that it doesn’t go dry?  By replenishing ME through yoga, being in nature, reading, praying, walking, spending time with family and friends, and dancing while no one is watching!

The gift of ageing and of surviving multiple losses is that I can model healthy behavior to others who are experiencing the rollercoaster of emotions related to grief.  I have developed the skills I need to “Greet Grief” whenever it comes, to take care of myself and to open my heart to new ways of being.  My goal is to post articles with information I hope you find useful on your journey through grief…

You can also visit and LIKE my Facebook page Greet Grief or follow me on Twitter @greet_grief.

18 Responses to About Me

  1. Wow everything is really coming together!

  2. Laura Bloomsbury says:

    love your openness and honesty and optimism -keep blogging 🙂

  3. mel says:

    Kathy, it was great to finally read what you have been working on!!!! It’s wonderful! You and I have chatted more in depth about your stories so ADD more detail!!! I know your readers will be so TOUCHED by what you have to offer like I always am!!!!!!!!! You are so amazing:-)

  4. tersiaburger says:

    Your blog is very enlightening and inspirational. Thank you.

  5. Morguie says:

    You are bound to inspire many here who seek to quell their grief or at least understand that what they are going through isn’t something abnormal or to be ashamed of. Many people have not had the experience of loss, such as you have, until they are much older…they are often unprepared for the emotional havoc and despair they find themselves in. Your blog will be very helpful, and I am happy to point people to it. Thank you, too, for your interest in my blog. I appreciate that you are a regular follower and am humbled to be considered worth following, as well.

    • Greet Grief says:

      Thank you for your kind words and for steering people in my direction. If I have no other intention but to help one person through what you call the “emotional havoc and despair” my blog will serve a good purpose. I appreciate all the wonderful people like you who are educating and inspiring others…thank you for visiting!

  6. Daphne Greer says:

    Very refreshing and inspirational..Sometimes all it takes is to see the journey of the ones who have paved the road for the rest of us! You experiences have a lot to offer the world. Looking forward to following you.

    • Greet Grief says:

      Daphne – your words were very needed and appreciated today and I thank you! Sometimes I forget that my original intention was to help, “just one person through their loss!” I am honored by your following and look forward to our new connection!

  7. elainemansfield says:

    I love your list of self-care approaches, all so essential. I also meditate and create small rituals. For example, when I long for my husband, I might take a flower or a pine cone or a beautiful stone to the site where his ashes are buried and read a poem to him and to myself. These small things help so much. I love dancing with others, too, so that means people watching–and smiling. I’m glad to be in contact with you.

    • Greet Grief says:

      Elaine, I love your ideas for meditation and creation of rituals that bring you close to your husband and the places you shared. I think this is so very important for our healing after loss. Exercising our body mind and spirit help stabilize and balance us during our grief. I so enjoy your posts and knowing you as well, thx for taking the time to comment!

  8. Kathy, your writing and insights are a precious gift to the world. I spent some moments this morning reading a few posts. They are all touching and comforting. Thank you for the contributions you make to families and individuals hoping for comfort and a path forward.

  9. Karla Tanrl says:

    Thanks Kathy for including me.

  10. Beth Boeck says:

    I continue to be inspired by you Kathy! Thank you for all you do to help people on their grief journies.

    • Greet Grief says:

      How sweet of you to say Beth! YOU are an inspiration also and I am so glad that you are able to voice your honest truth as you journey through your grief. There are so many who need to hear parts of their experience in ours so that they don’t feel alone!

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